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  • there's no finish line in sight

there's no finish line in sight

Hey ,

I’m writing to you, iced matcha in hand, from a little cafe and English bookstore in Lisbon.

This cafe was set-up by one of my friends, Melyssa Griffin, who moved here from Austin - not knowing anyone, speaking the language or with any experience of running a brick and mortar business.

In fact, prior to that - Melyssa had a WILDLY successful multiple 7 figure online business… and decided to close everything down to fulfill this dream she had of a slower, more fulfilling life.

I’m actually interviewing her on our podcast tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled for that episode…

Sitting here, I can’t help but think about the dreams that we have on our heart…

The real dreams, not the “I should do this” kind of goals…

But the kind of dreams that you give as an answer to the question:

“What would you really be doing if money was no object, or you weren’t so worried about “maximizing your potential” or doing everything for future you?”

and how can we start to do more of THAT?

I think society has ingrained this finish line philosophy into us…

Where, if and when we hit all of our goals, we’ll ride off into the sunset of happiness, abundance and peace.

But, what if the real meaning to all of this, was to enjoy the present moment every single day?

And how different would we all be living if that’s truly what our intentions were?

Would you restructure your business?

Would you change how your day-to-day calendar looks?

Would you offer a different product or service?

Would you be living in a different location?

Would you finally say yes to the thing you’ve been putting off forever?

Would you finally have that conversation you’ve been hiding from?

I’m not saying that you need to shut down your entire business, move to another country and open up a bookstore…

But looking within that, I think there’s a lesson for all of us in just DOING the thing, taking messy but aligned action, and trusting that things will continue to unfold in our favor.

Surrendering to the knowing that you are the momentum, and wherever you go, the momentum will follow.

Some food for thought this weekend, , because it’s NEVER too late to start living your full truth.

I’m rooting for you, and here to see what unfolds.


🎙 Speaking of moving on from a 7 figure business to do something way more in alignment with you, we had Jessica Zweig on the podcast this week and her story of having a spiritual awakening in Egypt and changing up her entire life is incredibly inspiring. I think you’ll love. Listen here.

🎙 I don’t know about you, but I LOOOVE hearing the in-depth routines of interesting people. I stumbled upon this new podcast “DITL” and it breaks down the day in the life of entrepreneurs and podcasters. I’m hooked and loved this episode with Arrae founder, Siff Haider.

📚 I continue to get asked about my best biohacking and health tips, so while I work on an extensive PDF for you all, I want to recommend this book! Managing your blood sugar is one of the most foundational things you can do for your health, and I love Jessie’s approach to explaining how.

🍋 I’ve been going strong on my daily Glōci habit and can truly credit this for my digestion being so smooth when travelling. The minute I hop on a plane, I swear my bowels normally press pause (🤣), but this European summer I haven’t had a single issue. I take mine first thing along with my coffee. Use code BOSSBABE for a big discount!

OKAY SO, if you’ve made it this far in the newsletter… here’s a little Easter Egg. 🐣 After such high demand, we are considering opening up a high-level mastermind for female entrepreneurs looking to build solid sales engines (think: offer, funnel, traffic) in their businesses, alongside one another.

Right now, our only high ticket experience is for CEO Mamas, and we know that we’re leaving so many of you out. If you’d be interested in joining something like this with us, would you fill out this interest form so we can do a deeper dive on what would serve you best?